Website Maintenance & Support for Luxury Brands
Supporting Websites For Over 24 Years!

Website Support Services For Luxury Brands
Plugin Updates
As part of our website maintenance and support, we provide regular plugin updates to help improve the speed and functionality of your website. Old plugins can pose a serious risk to your website security, and keeping them updated is an essential task. At Wired Media, we ensure that your site’s plugins are always optimised and up-to-date to enhance user experience.
Site Audits
We conduct comprehensive site audits to identify potential issues that could negatively impact your brand’s online presence. Our audits cover all crucial aspects such as website structure, SEO, content, design, and security. By doing so, we detect any weak points and rectify them before they can pose a serious concern.
Site Monitoring
Proactive site monitoring is a crucial part of the services we offer. We constantly check for any irregularities or malfunctions in your website. By spotting, diagnosing and correcting these issues early, we reduce the risk of site downtime, ensuring optimal performance.
Website Hosting
We provide secure website hosting to all our clients. Our hosting service includes regular website backups, high-speed performance, and around-the-clock support. You will enjoy peace of mind knowing your luxury brand’s website is in safe hands.
Data Analysis
Today, data rules everything in business. At Wired Media, we offer comprehensive data analysis services that provide you with a keen understanding of your audience, allowing you to refine your online marketing strategies and maximise impact.
Platform Version Updates
We take responsibility for ensuring that your website is operating on the latest versions of its hosting platforms. Continual platform version updates contribute significantly to the smooth running of your website, providing crucial security updates and added features.