Digital Marketing Agency For Roofing Companies

Full service digital marketing including web design, SEO and PPC

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Our team are ready to help take your website to the next level and grow your business online. Contact us today for a free discovery session and we will show you our approach and we can help you hit your growth targets this year.

Digital Marketing Services For Roofing Companies 

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Increase your roofing company’s visibility with our SEO services. We optimise your website to rank higher in search engine results for relevant keywords such as “residential roofing services,” “commercial roof repair,” or “local roofing contractors.” Effective SEO strategies help homeowners and businesses find you when they need roofing solutions.

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PPC (Pay Per Click)

Accelerate your lead generation with targeted PPC campaigns. We create ads that target specific geographic areas and demographics, ensuring your roofing services are seen by potential customers who are actively looking to repair or replace their roofs. Our campaigns are optimised for the highest return on investment, turning clicks into clients.

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Paid Social Media

Enhance your brand’s presence and engage with the community through paid social media campaigns. We use platforms like Facebook and Instagram to showcase your past roofing projects, share customer testimonials, and promote seasonal maintenance tips. This strategy not only builds trust but also keeps your audience engaged and informed.

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Web Design

Develop a professional and user-friendly website with our web design services. Your site will be tailored to highlight your roofing services, showcasing your expertise, certifications, and unique selling propositions. A well-designed website ensures that potential customers have a positive first impression and easy access to contact information.

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Website Maintenance

Keep your roofing website in top condition with our website maintenance services. We handle updates, security enhancements, and ensure that your content remains fresh and relevant. Regular maintenance prevents technical issues that could deter potential customers and affect your search engine rankings.

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Web Hosting

Ensure your roofing company’s website is fast, secure, and reliable with our specialised website hosting services. Our hosting solutions are designed to handle high traffic volumes, providing stability and speed to support your online marketing activities.

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Case Study – Yves Delorme


Case Study – Martha Jackson


Case Study – Red Paddle

Quote Start
It’s been a real pleasure working with all of you at Wired Media, the new Website, SEO advice and improved Google Ads account has really helped to transform the company’s online presence.
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Ellie McChesney, Dynamik Sports

Online Marketing Services For Roofing Contractors 

Digital marketing is increasingly crucial for roofing companies aiming to expand their reach and streamline their customer acquisition process. Here’s why:


Greater Visibility: Digital marketing strategies like SEO and PPC help roofing companies appear in search results and ads when potential customers are searching for roofing services. This visibility is crucial in attracting new clients.


Targeted Advertising: Digital tools allow for precise targeting based on location, which is essential for local services like roofing. You can focus your marketing efforts on the areas you serve, maximising efficiency and ROI.


Enhanced Customer Engagement: Social media and a dynamic website provide platforms to showcase your work, share customer success stories, and publish informative content. This engagement builds trust and establishes your reputation as a reliable roofing expert.

Cost-Effective: Digital marketing offers measurable and cost-effective solutions compared to traditional advertising methods. You can track the effectiveness of your campaigns in real time and adjust your strategies as needed to ensure optimal performance.


Competitive Advantage: In a competitive market, having a strong online presence can differentiate your roofing company from others. It shows potential customers that you are a modern and professional business ready to meet their roofing needs.


Lead Generation: Well-executed digital marketing strategies drive traffic to your website and convert visitors into leads. With tools like online quote forms and chatbots, you can capture customer information and respond to inquiries promptly, increasing your chances of securing new projects.


Partner with Wired Media to harness the power of digital marketing for your roofing company. Our expert strategies are designed to increase your online presence, engage effectively with customers, and drive your business success. Let us help you climb to new heights in the roofing industry.

Get in touch with us and we’ll get back to you within 24hrs

Get in touch today and one of our experienced team will arrange a call to discuss your requirements. Take advantage of our free strategy consultation to help you understand our services and how we can help you grow.


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Other Roofing Company Services

PPC (Pay Per Click)
Our PPC campaigns are designed to drive immediate traffic and bookings through strategically placed ads on search engines and other platforms.

PPC For Roofing Companies
Google Ads
using Google Ads to increase the visibility of your Brand while maintaining a high ROI is beneficial to 99% of our clients

Google Ads For Roofing Companies
Paid Social Media
We create targeted social media campaigns that engage your audience, build brand awareness, and drive direct bookings.

Paid Social Media For Roofing Companies
Our SEO strategies improve your website’s search engine ranking, driving organic traffic and increasing visibility to potential guests.

SEO For Roofing Companies
Web Design
Our design team crafts visually stunning and user-friendly websites that reflect your brand and provide an exceptional user experience.

Web Design For Roofing Companies
Web Development
We develop robust, high-performing websites that are optimised for speed, functionality, and mobile responsiveness, ensuring a seamless experience for your visitors.

Web Development For Roofing Companies