Website Support and Maintenance in Bristol

Keeping your website updated, secure and fast! 

Book a free website audit!

Our team are ready to help take your website to the next level and grow your business online. Contact us today for a free discovery session and we will show you our approach and how we can help you hit your growth targets this year!

Professional Website Support Services

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Plugin Updates

keeping your websites plugins updated is paramount if you want to keep your website secure and working without errors. Our team can provide routine maintenance to keep plugins and CMS like WordPress updated

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Site Audits & SEO

ensuring your website is technical sound in the eyes of Google is important if you want to increase your visibility online. Our team can perform technical checks and fixes to keep your site in perfect condition.

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Site Monitoring

Keeping an eye on your website to ensure your customers don’t visit a error page is vital for performance, we will monitor your website and be notified if there are any changes. We can then fix any issues quickly with minimal website downtime.

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Website hosting

We provide a managed website hosting service allowing us to optimise your server environment, improve website page speed, back up and monitor your website and ensure, if there is a problem, you know where to turn to resolve the situation.

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Data Tracking

ensuring your data tracking is accurate and working is one of the most important aspects of marketing and website performance analysis. We can work with you to ensure tracking is accurate and then monitor it monthly to prevent any errors.

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Platform version updates

If your website utilises an open source CMS such as WordPress or Magento then its important you keep the software version up to date and complete bug fixes to remove any errors. Our team can prove this service as part of a maintenance package

Case Study:

Mick George


Case Study:



Case Study:

Red Paddle


Get in touch with us and we’ll get back to you within 24hrs

Get in touch today and one of our experienced team will arrange a call to discuss your Hotel’s requirements. Take advantage of our free strategy consultation to help you understand our services and how we can help you grow.


Web Design Insights

Shopify Duplicate Content Issues

Duplicate content issues on Shopify and how to fix them Getting your Shopify store to rank well in search engine results is crucial. However, a common…

Web Design Top Tips to Boost Conversions

8 Web Design Top Tips to Boost Conversions A well-designed website can significantly impact your online success, and one of the key metrics to gauge this success…

What is above the fold Content?

Above the Fold Content: The Key to Converting Website Visitors into Customers When it comes to web design, the term “above the fold” holds immense significance. It…

Choosing a Specialist WordPress Agency

Title: Top 5 Reasons for Choosing a Specialist WordPress Agency   In today’s digital era, a strong online presence is the cornerstone of success for businesses…

Page Speed and its effects on Performance

The Impact of Website Page Speed on Performance and ROI Website page speed is a critical factor that significantly influences a website’s performance…

The Impact of Website Page Speed

The Impact of Website Page Speed on Performance and ROI Website page speed is a critical factor that significantly influences a website’s performance…

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