PPC Basics: Common Mistakes Theme Parks Should Avoid

Running a theme park is no simple task. You’ve got rides to maintain, staff to manage, and visitors to entertain. Amid all these hectic activities, managing your digital presence, especially your Theme Parks PPC, often ends up taking second place. However, ignoring this could mean missing out on potential visitors who are searching for an exciting day out and may not know your park exists.

Before your thoughts spiral imagining the complex world of PPC advertising, take a breath. We’re here to guide you through some of the most common pitfalls theme parks tend to fall into. Avoiding these can save you money and help bring more visitors through your gates.

Ignoring Negative Keywords Can Cost You

Imagine paying for clicks that aren’t going to convert because they’re not even relevant to what you offer. Negative keywords are terms you exclude from your PPC campaigns because they don’t align with your business. For theme parks, you might want to exclude words related to other local attractions, or unrelated events. Regularly updating your negative keyword list ensures that your ads appear only to those genuinely interested in a thrilling day at a theme park.

Overcomplicating Your Ad Copy Won’t Help You

Your potential visitors are not searching for Shakespeare; they’re looking for a good time. Keep your ad copy simple, engaging, and direct. Highlight special deals, new attractions, or family-friendly services. Use language that excites your audience about the fun they’ll have visiting your park. Remember, when ads are too complex or vague, users may not click—leaving their visit to your theme park just a missed opportunity.

Neglecting Mobile Users is a Big No-No

It’s past the point of questioning; you’re living in a mobile-first world. Many theme park visitors—most likely families or groups on the go—search and book tickets on their phones. Make sure your landing pages are mobile-friendly and load quickly. Poor mobile experiences might make you lose out on an excited family ready to spend an entire day at your park. Test your mobile pages regularly to ensure everything works smoothly.

Local Targeting: Don’t Skip It

Theme parks usually draw crowds from nearby areas. If you aren’t focusing your PPC campaigns locally, you might be wasting ad spend. Use geographical targets to focus on distinct areas around your park’s location. This ensures your ads reach people who are more likely to make the trip, increasing the chance of conversion. Also, utilise location-based keywords related to your local area.

Forgetting to Set Conversion Tracking Is Like Flying Blind

If you don’t track conversions, you’re missing crucial data that tells you whether your PPC campaign is succeeding. For theme parks, you might track ticket bookings, inquiries about special events, or newsletter sign-ups. Without this data, you can’t tell which ads are effective and which are not, leaving your PPC efforts to chance. Review your tracking setup regularly to ensure it’s working as expected.

Using Only One Ad Variation Limits Insights

Sticking to just one ad or only a few variations can prevent you from finding an ad that resonates best with your audience. Run several ad variations to see which text, keyword, or offer performs best. Testing different ads helps you learn what appeals to your audience, be it highlights on new rides, family packages, or unique park events. Keep the most effective ones running and pause underperformers.


By avoiding these common PPC mistakes, you not only make the most of your advertising budget but also help ensure more families and thrill-seekers discover the attractions your theme park has to offer. Regularly review your strategies and be open to adjustments based on your findings. PPC is not something you can set and forget—it requires consistent attention and tweaking.

Want to take your PPC campaigns to the next level? Check out our PPC management for Theme Parks page for expert advice tailored to your specific needs.

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